Scholarly Articles
“An Aspirational Cultus? Tolkien Fandom at the Borders of Belief.” Mythlore 43(2) (2025). Forthcoming.
“Tolkien entkanonisieren.” Zeitschrift für Fantastikforschung 11(1) (2024): 34-41. URL.
“By the Waters of Anduin We Lay Down and Wept: Tolkien’s Akallabêth and the Prophetic Imagination.” Mallorn 64 (2023): 6-13. URL.
“‘It is ‘about’ nothing but itself’: Tolkienian Theology Beyond the Domination of the Author.” Mythlore 42(1) (2023): 29-53. URL.
Conference Papers (most recent)
“Reading The Lord of the Rings, Rereading Ourselves: The Role of Paracanonical Texts in Shaping Lifelong Readers.” Paper presented at Publishing Fantasy for Younger Readers: A Symposium, 3 April 2025. University of Glasgow.
“Between Religious Worlds: George MacDonald and the Post-Christian Imagination.” Paper presented at George MacDonald Bicentenary Conference, 8 November 2024. University of St. Andrews.
“The Tale We’ve Fallen Into: Reading The Lord of the Rings, Rereading Ourselves.” Paper presented at Oxonmoot, 30 August 2024. St. Anne’s College, Oxford. Forthcoming.
“Conjured Presence: Spiritual Experiences in Fantasy Spaces.” Paper presented with Anna Milon at GIFCon 2024: Conjuring Creatures and Worlds, 17 May 2024. Online.
“At the Borders of Belief: Enyalië, Tolkien Fandom, and (Secondary) Religious Worlds.” Paper presented at International Congress of Medieval Studies, 9 May 2024. Kalamazoo, MI.
“Secondary Believers, Secondary Worlds: Toward A Tolkienian Theory of Fandom.” Paper presented at Popular Culture Association National Conference, 28 March 2024. Chicago, IL.
“Tolkien the Post-Christian.” Paper presented at Oxonmoot, 2 September 2023. St. Anne’s College, Oxford. URL.
Book Reviews
Review of Tolkien Dogmatics, by Austin Freeman. Tolkien Studies 20 (2023): 219-224.
Review of Tolkien’s Faith: A Spiritual Biography, by Holly Ordway. Journal of Tolkien Research 18(1), Article 1 (2023): 1-18. URL.
Other Publications
“First publication of J.R.R. Tolkien's collected poems offers new insights into the Lord of the Rings author’s personality.” The Conversation, 12 September 2024. URL.
“Views from the Tower: Tolkien and Religion in the 21st Century.” Amon Hen 306 (2024): 22-23.
“Italy’s far-right claim The Lord of the Rings – but they’ve misread Tolkien’s message.” The Conversation, 21 November 2023. URL.
“Evangelicals saw their foes in Harry Potter and themselves in Lord of the Rings.” Polygon, 8 September 2021. URL.
“Finding God (?) On Facebook.” Religious Socialism, 30 June 2021. URL.